Trustee and public trust research

It has been a consistent priority for the Charity Commission to learn more about the public’s attitudes towards charities and trustees’ understanding of their role.
It has been a consistent priority for the Charity Commission to learn more about the public’s attitudes towards charities and trustees’ understanding of their role.
First published in the Telegraph newspaper on 14 July. There can be no doubt that we are living in tumultuous times. Last week’s dramatic events in Westminster have captured headlines around the world, while the war that continues to rage …
If the past few years at the Commission were dominated, as they were for so many others, by our response to COVID, then the years ahead will be dominated by data. How we collect, how we use it, and how …
We have long known anecdotally that the COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on many charities. But as regulator, we needed more concrete data to help us understand how the pandemic has shaped charities so far, and, crucially, to gain a picture of the risks that may lie ahead. To that end, we undertook a project to assess the impacts of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shared experience like no other, but it has also affected everyone - countries, organisations, people - in innumerable different ways. This summer we held a series of roundtable discussions with small and medium-sized charities to hear about their experiences.
The Register of Charities plays a vital role in helping people make informed decisions about which charities to support. You can use it to check the 170,000 charities which are registered, download data for research, find out whether donations are …
Guest blog by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). The Cyber Security Breaches Survey is an annual report by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It reports on how businesses and charities are responding to the cyber …
Guest blog by The Social Change Agency Taken on Trust research published by the Charity Commission shows that 92% of trustees in England and Wales have an average age of 55-64 rising to 65-74 in smaller charities. While older trustees are over-represented …
The results of our 2017 Trust and Confidence in the Charity Commission survey are good news for the Commission. Against a backdrop of falling trust in institutions of all kinds, public trust in the Commission has held steady since 2015 …
There’s no way to sugar-coat this: the public trust in charities has fallen. Today we’ve published the latest research in our series tracking public trust and confidence in charities since...