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How to protect your charity as the sector continues to face financial pressures

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Finance, Guidance

It is unfortunately common for charities to feel financial pressure at some point in their existence, and at the Commission we see the sector’s financial resilience and sustainability as a key current risk.

Campaigning and political activity – what do charities need to consider ahead of a general election?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Campaigning, Guidance
Megaphone with text: Campaigning and political activity. Election guidance.

With a General Election on the horizon, I want to remind charities of their responsibilities and of our published guidance to help with decision making around political activity and campaigning.

Yes, political think tanks deserve their charitable status

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Think tanks are critical to our political ecosystem. It is because of the important role of think tanks in informing debate and educating the public that many of them hold charitable status in England and Wales. Yet the nature of these charities is too often called into question.