Refining our regulatory approach
...trustees comply with their legal duties and have delivered this through case reports, policy guidance on a range of matters and speaking at trustee events. Increasing our reach through digital...
CEO, The Charity Commission
...trustees comply with their legal duties and have delivered this through case reports, policy guidance on a range of matters and speaking at trustee events. Increasing our reach through digital...
...have seen a shift in awareness of governance, a growing understanding of the difference good governance makes to charities’ ability to meet their mission. The Commission has been banging the...
...the quality of trusteeship. We will work with Cass Business School Centre for Charity Effectiveness and Cranfield Trust on a major piece of research in 2016 looking at trustee awareness...
Three years ago, the Commission was set a challenge to become a more efficient, effective, risk based regulator. I’m pleased to say that our annual report, published today,
78% of adults in the UK now use the internet every day, and over half - 56% - use the internet for banking. The internet has changed the way we interact and is a core part of everyday life for …
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